Staying Active

Part of our Moore Realistic approach to healthy living is staying active. Working daily activity into our lives helps ensure that we’re physically able to tackle both local weekly hikes together and travel adventures. According to the CDC, regular physical activity also benefits our brain health, helps with weight management, and reduce health risks. Our approaches to daily activity vary, though.

My mom and dad typically take at least two walks a day with their border collie. Their neighborhood has a lovely walking trail along a stream, making it easy to enjoy a walk in nature. They also have a weight machine that they use a couple times a week for strength training.

I like more variety, and I probably have more workout subscription services than is realistic – but they collectively cost about as much as a gym membership. I was a gym member when there was a gym between my work and home; I appreciated the variety of equipment, and there was no excuse not to stop at the gym when I was driving by it on the way home from work each weekday. When the gym closed, I found it difficult to add driving to another gym into my daily routine. As a result, I first invested in an exercise bike and some free weights. I started jogging in my neighborhood or on campus – though allergy- and cold-induced asthma sometimes curtailed that option. Eventually I added my first subscription service for its mix of cardio, strength training, and core workouts. Most recently, I invested in a treadmill and added a second subscription service with a mix of walking and running workouts that sync with the treadmill.

I use the word “invest” because each purchase has been an investment in staying active to support my long-term health. I didn’t build my home gym overnight. Instead I tried equipment at hotel gyms when I traveled and slowly added equipment I enjoyed using to my home gym as my budget allowed. 

I also thrive on challenges. In January, a friend challenged others to join her for the Breath 30 Day Yoga Journey with Adriene Mishler. While I had enjoyed practicing some yoga poses in the past, I’d never considered myself a yogi. Now, after completing the 30-day challenge, yoga is also part of my weekly fitness routine.

So whether you are like my mom, who finds joy and energy in consistent workout routines, or more like me, in search of variety, make a goal to keep moving. Part of a Moore Realistic fitness plan is figuring out what will keep you coming back each day.